Ticket to Space @ Kirklandneuk

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Week 2 Our Solar System

This week in space school we learned about the planets in our solar system. We made a space timeline and a model of the solar system

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  • At 10:14 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jupiter is the 5th planet in our Solar System.
    It takes 12 years to orbit the sun.
    The planet is made of gas.
    Humans have never been there before!!
    But probes have been to Jupiter!!
    If you go near Jupiter you will get ripped to shreds because of the heat!!!

  • At 10:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 10:24 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Earth is the 3rd planet from the sun.It takes 365 days to orbit the sun. It is mainly rock. The Earth has a thin atmosphere and surface is visible. approximate size 12,800km.

  • At 10:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi from p5/6 we are going to tell you about Neptune
    it is the 8th planet from the sun it also has hurricane force winds
    the planet is not visible and humans have not landed there yet but robotic probes have landed there.
    the time taken to orbit the sun is 165yrs and the planet size is 51,000km

  • At 10:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We are enjoying our Ticket To Space Topic at School.
    We have made a time line at school that has involved all the things from 20,000 centuary BC to the Future we cut out some stuff and put it into order.We went out to our school play gound and made a model of the solar system we all stood in the right order and got photos taken as you have all ready seen on our box on the front of our page. Some from making the time line and some from our model soler system.
    Bryony Kirklandneuk

  • At 10:31 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We went out side to measure the distanse the planets were from the sun.
    We got a beach ball for the sun.
    We held up signs saying all the diffrent planets and how far away they were and how many meters and centimeters away from the sun.

  • At 10:34 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun and it takes 84 years to orbit the sun and it is made out of mainly gas and it has a thick atmosphere. The approximate size across is 51,000km. No humans have landed there but robotic probes have.

  • At 10:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mars is .....

    6787km across equator

    the fourth planet from the sun

    The planet is made from mainly rock

    takes 687days to orbit the sun

    You can see the planet

    No humans have landed there

    robotic probes have landed there

  • At 10:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun. Time taken to orbit the sun is 84yrs. The planet is made from mainly gas. Thick atmosphere and surface is not visible.
    The size of the planet across the equator is 51,000KM. No humans have landed there. Robotic probes have landed here.

  • At 10:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We have been doing Ticet To space at school.
    We made a time line that we had to cut out and put into order. We also made an model solar system where we went out to our school play ground and we had to go in order and we got our photo taken. You will be able to see the photos on the first page

  • At 10:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun.
    it takes 30 years to orbit the sun
    the planet is made from mainly gas.
    you can see the surface.

  • At 10:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun and it takes 84 years to orbit the sun and it is made out of mainly gas and it has a thick atmosphere. The approximate size across is 51,000km. No humans have landed there but robotic probes have.


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