Ticket to Space @ Kirklandneuk

Monday, November 27, 2006

Week 6 Gravity in Space

Objects in the solar system are falling and never quite hit the Sun or the ground.

Gravity is a force which keeps all of the planets orbiting around the sun. As the mass of the planet increases its gravity increases.

Heavy planets have stronger gravity than light planets. We went to see how much we weighed on other planets at Enchanted Learning.

The Sun exerts the greatest gravitational force in the Solar System.

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  • At 1:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I found out that the bigger the planet the heavier you are.

  • At 2:02 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If you had no gravity you would keep floating and you will die because there is no oxygen.That is because space has not got oxygen. We weigh the heaviest on Jupiter and the lightest on Pluto because the bigger the planet you weigh more!!!

  • At 2:08 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi from p5/6
    We learned what we weighed on all the planets
    you weigh the most on the Sun but the PLANET you weigh the most on is Jupiter because it is the biggest planet
    And you weigh the least on Pluto because it is the smallest

  • At 2:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Last week we all weighed ourselves. And once we had weighed ourselves we had to put it into stones and then we went on a website where we had to put in how many stones we were and then we saw how much we would weigh on other planets. On the sun you would weigh over 1000 pounds and on pluto you would weigh less than 10 stone. On Pluto I would be 4 pounds.

  • At 2:15 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We've learned that if you increase the shininess [albido] your planet will get colder and if you increase the thickness of the atmosphere your planet will get warmer.

  • At 2:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We have learned that the,bigger the planet is the more you will weigh. If you were on Pluto you would weigh very little.

  • At 2:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I learned that gravity keeps all of the planets orbiting round the sun.On Earth Lauren weighed 26kg and Hannah weighed 41kg.


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